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Mosaic Generator/Reducer

Utilized a Microservice architecture design to implement multiple mosaic generators with a shared middleware. Each generated mosaic is combined and reduced to create a singular mosaic most similar to an original image. Created using Python, Flask, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS

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HTTP Web Server

Coded in C and designed to interpret and process HTTP requests received via sockets, ensuring compatibility with popular web browsers such as Chrome. It handles incoming connections, parses request headers and content, and sends appropriate responses, providing a robust foundation for web-based applications.

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Created using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, and Flask, is a user-friendly web application that integrates Google Maps API to provide UIUC students an interactive platform for efficiently locating and evaluating apartments.

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Custom Memory Allocator

Constructed a dynamic memory allocator and deallocator from scratch utilizing block splitting, memory coalescing, and free lists to optimize functionality. Implemented in C, it not only mimics the functionality of 'malloc' but also offers improvements in efficiency for specific tasks.